As promised, here are some pictures from the night of my birthday. The place where I deejay is what used to be called a roadhouse. The name of the bar is Lonzo's Place and you can play the jukebox, get in a game or two of pool, sit at the bar and drink, order pizza or shake your booty until it hurts. I love that place!
The night started out slow, with the pool players keeping it mellow over in the corner. But it built until everybody got really loose. I'll mostly leave the pictures to talk for themselves, as they are self-evident in their nature!

Here you can see the girls are starting to shake their booty. Alcohol will do that.

Table tops were just made for dancing.

Please remember to tip your bartenders!

This was the spinning disco light. I love this shot - it was a hand-held, timed exposure.

Yours truly, with Miss Budweiser or something. Anyway, she was flat chested.

Don't ask.

Strike a pose! Vogue.

At the end of the night, these two guys became brothers. It's the alcohol, I tell you!
All in all, it was a fun night and turning 48 didn't seem that much of a big deal. Just wait until 50, though.
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